Shipibo Embroidery

Round 10cm


1 in stock



From the Shipibo tribe in Peru. These hand stitched embroideries, made only by women in the Shipibo tribe, represent the geometric patterns of energy. The Shaman sings this pattern, called kené, during ceremonies to realign imbalance in the energy of the participant(s). This song is called an Icaro. The women of the Shipibo tribe receive these patterns through dreams after being in ceremony with the Shaman. The Shaman drinks the visionary brew Ayahuasca, and blows Mapacho(tobacco) smoke on the heads of the women. After the ceremony the women see these patterns in their dreams and stitch them by hand in these amazing embroideries.

Additional information

Weight 0,002 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 0,2 cm


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